Start up business ideas

Set up a business

A mature business woman mentors a younger woman


Work with a small business mentor

Running your own small business can be lonely and it can be difficult to know what to do when faced with new challenges unless you have a mentor.

Business planning

Financing a business

Tax and National Insurance

Corner of a calculator on top of numerical report


Q&A: Tax returns

Chartered certified accountant Raphael Coman of Coman & Co answers some key questions about tax returns, including important deadlines.

Business law

Sales and marketing

A businesswoman with a megaphone


How I publicise my business

Janie Thomson applied for a match-funding grant through her local council and this helped with initial marketing costs. Here are her publicity tips.

Business premises


Grow your business

Graphic of man watering a bar chart to make it grow


Growing your business - checklist

Unless you are happy as you are, you will be looking for ways to develop and grow your business. These ten steps will lead you in the right direction.