Managing change - checklist

Change management written on paper in black pen

Any change in the workplace can make people nervous - but if handled well it can bring huge benefits. This checklist shows you how to implement change.

  • Identify the need for change: think about where you want to be in the future and what you need to do to get there; look at what your competitors are doing.
  • Accept that your systems and processes are not perfect; encourage employees to identify problems and opportunities for greater efficiency.
  • Prioritise changes which offer the greatest potential benefits.
  • Aim for a programme of continuous change in small steps, rather than a few large changes. Consider piloting risky changes before rolling them out.
  • Clarify the reasons for the change; confirm that the reasons are in line with your overall business objectives.
  • Think through the implications: for example, costs, changing requirements for personnel and skills, alterations to systems and policies.
  • Take advice from contacts or advisers experienced in the kind of change you want to implement.
  • Drive the change; make it clear that the change will happen, set a timetable, and plan how you will measure the results.
  • Assign responsibility and clarify individual roles; encourage employees to take an active role in delivering the change.
  • Sell the change to everyone who will be affected - for example, employees, customers and suppliers; explain the business benefits.
  • Answer individuals’ concerns and address their fear of change. Clarify the implications of the change for individuals and teams as well as the whole business.
  • Continually communicate; get feedback and suggestions.
  • Monitor progress against your plan; tackle problems as soon as they arise.
  • Reinforce the change; point out the benefits which it has delivered.
  • Continue to look for further opportunities for change.

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