Accounting and bookkeeping

You are legally required to keep financial records. Discover how to keep your 'books' and the options for electronic or manual bookkeeping.

A businessman issuing customer invoices

Ten things you need to know about VAT invoices

It's essential you get your invoicing right, but did you know that you don't need to include the same information for every invoice? Discover ten things you need to know about invoicing.

A man completes his bookkeeping and generates his customer invoices

How do I create an invoice?

If you've never produced an invoice before, how do you know what to include? Chartered accountant Elaine Clark answers key questions about invoices.

Table with photos of accountants. A hand points at one of the photos.

Q&A: Choosing an accountant

Chartered accountant Tim Haggard of Haggards Crowther answers some key questions about finding and choosing an accountant who is right for you.

A saleswoman demonstrates the company cars offered by the retailer

Q&A: Tax and company vehicles

Generally speaking, it's more tax efficient to own a car personally and charge the company a mileage allowance (eg 45p a mile). Read more.