Promote your business

There are a multitude of ways to promote your business. This overview will help you identify the best methods of promotion for your business.

Promote your business - overview

This page provides an overview of the different ways you can promote your business. It covers topics such as sales techniques, market research, creating and optimizing a website, and developing a marketing strategy.

Two warning sirens on a clear day with a blue sky in the background

Free publicity for your business

One area where it can be difficult to keep costs low is marketing. But there are effective ways to raise your profile that just need time and effort.

A businesswoman with a megaphone

How I publicise my business

Janie Thomson applied for a match-funding grant through her local council and this helped with initial marketing costs. Here are her publicity tips.

PR professional holds up block with words PR and Public Relations on it.[

Essential guide to effective PR

Public relations (PR) builds brand awareness, enhances your reputation, creates publicity and brings in new customers.

Multitasking doing the crossword and being on the phone

Planning your PR - checklist

PR activities can help spread the word about your business for little money. This checklist explains how to promote your business through the press.

Creating an advertisement

Essential guide to advertising

How to use advertising to grow your business, including online advertising such as Pay Per Click, as well as print ads, radio, TV and cinema advertising

Team of five people having a meeting on sofas

Q&A: PR for start-ups

Jane Lee of IT PR specialist Dexterity explains how start-ups can harness the power of effective public relations for the good of your business.

Little boy in a hat and shirt shouting into a white megaphone to gain publicity

14 ways to gain free publicity

Some ideas are so powerful they generate publicity year after year after year. These 14 tips might encourage journalists to cover your business.