Five ways to improve the onboarding process


Date: 7 July 2023

A young businessman puts his hand out to welcome a new recruit.

As businesses grow and evolve, so does their workforce. However, the process of integrating new hires is not always seamless. Companies have traditionally struggled to onboard new employees, leading to decreased motivation and productivity and increased turnover rates.

According to research, employees who have a positive onboarding experience are 69% more likely to remain with their employer for at least three years. Successful onboarding programs help new hires settle into their roles effortlessly, seamlessly integrating them into the company culture. Here are five tips to improve the onboarding process.

1. Start onboarding before day one

Instead of waiting until their official start date, use the pre-boarding period to provide key information and get them excited about joining your team. Send out a welcome pack that includes everything from a personalised welcome letter and an introduction to the company culture to practical information like the dress code and directions to the office. You could also set up a virtual coffee chat between the new hire and their future colleagues to help them feel more comfortable and connected before arrival.

2. Provide an orientation program

A new employee orientation program can provide new hires with valuable information about the organisation and its culture. The orientation program can cover topics such as health and safety, company values, team structures, and an introduction to various organisational departments. It helps to create buy-in and establish a tone of mutual respect and accountability. It's an opportunity to set expectations for their role and the company, create a sense of belonging, and lay the groundwork for a successful relationship with the employer.

3. Make onboarding interactive and engaging

You can make the onboarding process interactive and engaging by incorporating activities like team-building exercises, interactive training sessions, and opportunities for feedback. Use technology to your advantage. Online platforms and apps can make onboarding more dynamic and enjoyable, allowing new hires to complete some parts of the process at their own pace. Investing in the best onboarding tools can help bridge the gap between newcomers and the organisation's culture, enabling employees to feel supported in their new roles.

4. Assign a mentor

Having a mentor assigned to guide new employees through their first few weeks can help them adapt quickly to their new roles. Mentors and buddies can also provide a source of support and help new employees navigate any challenges they may encounter in their new role. This support system can create a positive and welcoming experience for new hires and contribute to a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

5. Extend the onboarding process

Extending the onboarding process over several months allows new hires to understand their role and the company culture fully and gives them time to ask questions and provide feedback. Regular check-ins during this period help address issues or concerns early on and make the new employee feel supported and valued.


A properly implemented onboarding process helps companies create engaged and motivated employees who are more productive and less likely to abandon work. Starting your onboarding before day one, providing a new employee with interactive orientation, assigning mentors, and extending the onboarding process can lead to successful onboarding. If properly executed, the above strategies make new hires feel appreciated and help them settle in more easily.

Copyright 2023. This featured post has been made possible by Amy Wilson for GooseChase.

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