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How to build an ecommerce loyalty programme

Date: 8 July 2024


How innovation and social media fuelled CRIMPiTs success

Date: 1 July 2024


A happy team of small business empployees

14 small business employee benefits to boost satisfaction

Attracting and retaining the best employees can be more difficult for smaller businesses. We share 14 ways you can boost employee satisfaction and become an employer of choice.

Date: 1 May 2024 By:

An HR manager is updating timesheets using an HR app

How apps can help you comply with employment law

Employment law safeguards employee rights. Small businesses can't be expected to understand every rule. HR apps can help manage the admin and protect you from costly legal action.

Date: 21 November 2023 By:

A small business teah share pizza after getting the job done

Building a recognition culture: tips for small businesses

Your employees can be one of your most valuable assets but in this competitive environment how can you attract and retain the best people? Read our guide to building a recognition culture.

Date: 20 September 2023 By:

A homeworking female joins her colleagues for an online chat

Five strategies for keeping remote workers engaged

Modern businesses operate increasingly flexible working models. The challenge is how to keep remote teams involved and engaged. Here are five winning strategies.

Date: 1 August 2023 By:

A multicultural team share pizza Friday at work

The role of competitive employee benefits

Employee remuneration is more than a simple paycheque at the end of the month. These days, employees expect a range of flexible benefits as part of the package.

Date: 14 July 2023 By:

A young businessman puts his hand out to welcome a new recruit.

Five ways to improve the onboarding process

A robust onboarding process helps new hires quickly settle into their roles and integrates them into the company culture. Here are five tips to improve the onboarding process.

Date: 7 July 2023 By:

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