Start Up blog

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How to build an ecommerce loyalty programme

Date: 8 July 2024


How innovation and social media fuelled CRIMPiTs success

Date: 1 July 2024


The story behind CRIMPiT

How innovation and social media fuelled CRIMPiTs success

In this podcast episode, we talk to Mike Harper, co-founder of CRIMPiT, the innovative toasty maker. He explains how the product came about and how influencers and social media fuelled their success.

Date: 1 July 2024 By:

A man is checking the quality of his micro brewery beer

Ten great ideas for a start-up

Micro-businesses are booming. We share ten great business ideas for those thinking of starting out in business and working for themselves.

Date: 28 May 2024 By:

A happy man completes the annual small business survey

Annual Donut survey reveals positive picture

What are the key challenges that sole traders and small businesses are facing and how do business owners expect to fare in 2024? We share our 2024 survey results.

Date: 10 April 2024 By:

A female entrepreneur stands outside her new business

Eight ways we can help you start a business in 2024

Eight things to do if you’re planning to start a business in 2024. Get free guides, listen to business podcasts and subscribe to the Donut newsletter.

Date: 13 December 2023 By:

Construction workers on a building site

Ten steps to starting your own construction business

Starting a construction business can be more complicated than other start-ups due to the licences and permits required. This blog explains the ten steps to forming a construction business.

Date: 17 October 2023 By:

Mini digger

Starting a mini digger hire business at a young age

This handy blog delves into the mini digger hire industry and explains why so many young entrepreneurs are turning to the niche sector to start their business empires.

Date: 21 July 2023 By:

A successful entrepreneur

Are you cut out to be an entrepreneur?

Anyone can become an entrepreneur, but success is not always guaranteed. We share five hard and five soft skills that can make success more likely.

Date: 27 June 2023 By:

A young adult has started his own business

Tips for starting a business aged between 16-24

Just 1% of UK business founders are aged under 20 but there's no reason why more young entrepreneurs shouldn't follow suit. We share top tips for young founders and sources of support and grants.

Date: 14 June 2023 By:

Some of the Atom Content Marketing team photographed in the late 1990's

Ten key business lessons I've learned from my 25 years at Atom

What key small business lessons can you learn when you have worked for the same company for a quarter of a century. MD, Lisa Williams shares her top ten lessons.

Date: 28 September 2022 By:

A young, successful entrepreneur stands in his office

Not all entrepreneurs are rich. Here's what sets the successful apart

Entrepreneurs may be deified for their drive and ambition but to be really successful, they need certain qualities. We share five attributes of the successful.

Date: 15 September 2022 By:

A male electrician checks a fuse box

Top 20 ideas for starting a trade business

Do you have a skilled trade? You could start your own trade business with these top trade business ideas.

Date: 28 July 2020 By:

Auto mechanic working on car engine in mechanics garage

Ten new business ideas for car enthusiasts and petrolheads

Self-confessed car enthusiast or 'petrolhead'? These start up business ideas could help you start the business of your dreams.

Date: 15 July 2020 By:

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