Start up funding

Raising enough money to start a small business can be difficult. Find out how to calculate how much you need and where you can obtain funding.

Start up funding - overview

Raising enough money to start a small business can be difficult. Find out how to calculate how much you need and where you can obtain funding.

Bank manager discussing business loan repayments with business owners

How to get a business loan

How to get a business loan; sources of business finance and start-up funding, understanding loan repayment terms and how to apply for a loan.

person on desk, with laptop and writing on notepad

Getting a grant - checklist

Your business might be entitled to claim a grant. Here's how to identify a scheme and apply for grant funding.

Businesswoman applying for a grant for her business

Essential guide to start up business grants

Securing a small business grant could really help your business develop. Here's how to identify relevant small business funding schemes and manage the application process.

Man holding a pen writing on an investment sheet of paper

Attracting investment

Attracting investors is a difficult process. This is especially true for new businesses without trade history. But here are a few tips to help you.

Asset finance calculation sheets

Q&A: Asset finance

Steve Richardson of Funding Options answers key questions about asset finance and how it could benefit your business, starting with the basics.

A man signs a commercial mortgage agreement and gets the keys to the property

Q&A: Commercial mortgages

A commercial mortgage is secured against a property other than your home. It may allow you to buy business premises and set up a long-term investment.